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駁二藝術特區 Pier-2 Art Center

駁二藝術特區位於高雄市鹽埕區高雄港第三船渠內的二號接駁碼頭,原為廢舊倉庫。2001年起,在各界人士努力下,將此閒置空間再利用,並規劃為多元展演的藝術開放空間,成為南方藝術新潮流的”米其林”指標。即日起六合日麗飯店邀您騎著市區的公共腳踏車,乘著港邊海風,一遊「駁二藝術特區」”驚喜連連”的藝文辦桌-設計節種子展、藝起反核、多拉A夢展、鉅微藝術物產展、 類甜點等各項裝置展、攝影展、漂流木展等。更多訊息請上pier-2.khcc.gov.tw

Peir-2 Art Center
Once it was abandoned warehouses at Pier-2 area of Kaohsiung harbor, now they turns the old ones into artistic spaces where tourists and locals may enjoy modern fine art here. There are several exhibitions from now on to 2014, including Fisherman around the world, Shen's photo exhibition of Illusion realtiy, No Nukes, Mooring: Drift wood creation on site, Encounter design, exhibition of Quasi-desserts etc.. Sunnyside Hotel sincerely invites you to join the art feast at Pier-2 Art Center Kaohsiung, for more info please visit at pier-2.khcc.gov.tw

Text and photo excerpted from Bureau of Cultural Affairs Kaohsiung City Government